5  Logistic

The files for this page’s example analysis are

All files are available at this link.

The following issues are discussed:

5.1 Example Model

The dataset for this example has 1000 observations. 20% of x2 is missing. x2 is missing at random (MAR); its missingness is conditional on the values of x1.

Below is a table of estimates from a model predicting y with (1) the complete data and (2) the data after some values in x2 were made missing, using a listwise deletion procedure.

  Complete Data Listwise Deletion
Parameter Estimate SE CI Estimate SE CI
Intercept -0.31 0.08 -0.46 – -0.16 -0.36 0.08 -0.53 – -0.20
x1 0.76 0.10 0.57 – 0.95 0.66 0.12 0.43 – 0.90
x2 0.55 0.09 0.38 – 0.72 0.58 0.10 0.38 – 0.78
x1 × x2 0.65 0.09 0.47 – 0.83 0.64 0.11 0.42 – 0.86
Observations 1000 800

As expected under MAR, estimates are biased. The estimate for x1 is underestimated.

5.2 Blimp Input

The Blimp script for this analysis is as follows:

DATA: 02_logistic.csv;
MISSING: -999;
FIXED: x1;
logit(y) ~ x1 x2 x1*x2;
x2 ~ x1;
SEED: 123;
BURN: 10000;

Select sections of the script are now discussed.

5.2.1 Ordinal Variables

y is a binary variable. To tell Blimp to interpret it as such, we list its name after the ORDINAL command.

5.2.2 Missing Data

x1 is fully observed so it is listed after the FIXED command, but x2 has missing values, which were coded as -999.

Only a single numeric code can be used for missing values across all variables, so when preparing your data be sure to pick one that is never an existing, legitimate value for any variable.

5.2.3 Model Syntax

If we fit a regression model that predicts an ordinal variable, Blimp will by default fit a probit regression:

MODEL: y ~ x1 x2 x1*x2;

Wrapping the outcome variable in logit() fits a logistic regression instead.

The predictors in our model include an interaction. Blimp does not have a shortcut for interactions that automatically expands to include the simple effects, so we need to specify each term separately.

5.2.4 Factored Regression Specification

Blimp assumes multivariate normality among predictors. This works fine for continuous and categorical variables. (Blimp assumes normal distributions underlying binary, ordinal, and multicategorical variables.) However, if we have skewed, latent, or count predictors, we need to explicitly specify associations among our predictors.

Here, we model an interaction between x1 and x2, and the product of two distributions is generally not a normal distribution. For any variables with missing values that do not have a multivariate normal distribution with the other predictors, we need to specify a regression. The general structure of this formula is to put variables with missing values on the left, and fixed variables on the right. Here we have the simple formula:

x1 ~ x2;

If none of our variables were fixed, we would instead specify:

x1 x2 ~ 1;

The order of the variables on the left side is important. First list continuous variables, and then categorical variables. Within each variable type, order them from highest missing data rate to lowest missing data rate:

continuous_high_misssing continuous_low_missing categorical_high_misssing ~ fixed (or 1)

Correctly ordering the variables is very important. Failure to do so can bias the results.1

5.3 Blimp Output

Running the Blimp script produces this output file:



             Blimp was developed with funding from Institute of
           Education Sciences awards R305D150056 and R305D190002.

            Craig K. Enders, P.I. Email: cenders@psych.ucla.edu
           Brian T. Keller, Co-P.I. Email: btkeller@missouri.edu
                 Han Du, Co-P.I. Email: hdu@psych.ucla.edu
                 Roy Levy, Co-P.I. Email: roy.levy@asu.edu

              Programming and Blimp Studio by Brian T. Keller

                   There is no expressed license given.



  Imputation method:                 Fully Bayesian model-based
  MCMC algorithm:                    Full conditional Metropolis sampler with
                                       Auto-Derived Conditional Distributions
  Between-cluster imputation model:  Not applicable, single-level imputation
  Prior for random effect variances: Not applicable, single-level imputation
  Prior for residual variances:      Zero sum of squares, df = -2 (PRIOR2)
  Prior for predictor variances:     Unit sum of squares, df = 2 (XPRIOR1)
  Chain Starting Values:             Random starting values

  NOTE: The default prior for regression coefficients 
        in categorical models is 'normal( 0.0, 5.0)'


  NOTE: Split chain PSR is being used. This splits each chain's
        iterations to create twice as many chains.

  Comparing iterations across 2 chains     Highest PSR   Parameter #  
                          251 to 500             1.023             4  
                          501 to 1000            1.014            14  
                          751 to 1500            1.011             2  
                         1001 to 2000            1.010             2  
                         1251 to 2500            1.005            14  
                         1501 to 3000            1.013            14  
                         1751 to 3500            1.005             1  
                         2001 to 4000            1.004             1  
                         2251 to 4500            1.004            14  
                         2501 to 5000            1.003             2  
                         2751 to 5500            1.001            14  
                         3001 to 6000            1.001            10  
                         3251 to 6500            1.003            13  
                         3501 to 7000            1.002            13  
                         3751 to 7500            1.001            14  
                         4001 to 8000            1.001             6  
                         4251 to 8500            1.001             6  
                         4501 to 9000            1.002            14  
                         4751 to 9500            1.002             6  
                         5001 to 10000           1.001             3  


  Chain 1:

    Variable                            Type    Probability   Target Value 
    x2                            imputation          0.499          0.500 

  NOTE: Suppressing printing of 1 chains.
        Use keyword 'tuneinfo' in options to override.


  Sample Size:              1000
  Missing Data Rates:

                       x2 = 20.00
                        y = 00.00


    Outcome Models:         7
    Predictor Models:       0

    Fixed variables:        x1

    [1]  x2 ~ Intercept x1
    [2]  logit(y) ~ Intercept x1 x2 x1*x2


  No warning messages.



    Marginal Likelihood
      DIC2                  3824.193
      WAIC                  3901.919

    Conditional Likelihood
      DIC2                  3824.193
      WAIC                  3901.919


  Summaries based on 10000 iterations using 2 chains.

Correlations                         Median     StdDev       2.5%      97.5%        PSR      N_Eff 

  x2, y                              -0.176      0.062     -0.295     -0.050      1.000   5325.489 



  Summaries based on 10000 iterations using 2 chains.

Outcome Variable:  x2         

Parameters                           Median     StdDev       2.5%      97.5%        PSR      N_Eff 
  Residual Var.                       0.793      0.039      0.720      0.875      1.001   3983.108 

  Intercept                           0.030      0.033     -0.034      0.094      1.000   2436.740 
  x1                                  0.514      0.037      0.442      0.586      1.000   1819.194 

Standardized Coefficients:      
  x1                                  0.484      0.028      0.427      0.536      1.000   1889.033 

Proportion Variance Explained   
  by Coefficients                     0.235      0.027      0.182      0.287      1.000   1885.025 
  by Residual Variation               0.765      0.027      0.713      0.818      1.000   1885.025 


Outcome Variable:  logit(y)   

Parameters                           Median     StdDev       2.5%      97.5%        PSR      N_Eff 

  Intercept                          -0.313      0.079     -0.470     -0.159      1.001   4618.388 
  x1                                  0.756      0.102      0.560      0.961      1.002   2921.593 
  x2                                  0.585      0.104      0.384      0.797      1.000   2328.084 
  x1*x2                               0.675      0.110      0.466      0.896      1.001   1654.106 

Odds Ratio:                     
  Intercept                           0.731      0.058      0.625      0.853      1.001   4664.919 
  x1                                  2.131      0.220      1.751      2.613      1.002   2913.850 
  x2                                  1.795      0.189      1.469      2.218      1.000   2312.561 
  x1*x2                               1.965      0.219      1.594      2.450      1.001   1649.546 

Proportion Variance Explained   
  by Coefficients                     0.081      0.011      0.061      0.104      1.001   2054.962 
  by Residual Variation               0.919      0.011      0.896      0.939      1.001   2054.962 


Select sections of the output are now discussed.

The PSRs at the end of the burn-in are 1.001 or less, and the numbers of effective samples for all parameters are well over the cutoff of 100. We can consider the model as adequately converged.

5.3.1 Outcome Models

The Outcome Variable: logit(y) section has the focal model estimates. It includes both log odds coefficients (called “coefficients”) and odds ratios.

This model did well in reproducing the results from our frequentist logistic regression fit to the complete data. x2 was MAR, conditional on x1. The predictor model regressing x2 on x1 helped impute plausible values for x2, correcting the bias in the model with listwise deletion.

Again, Blimp used all 1000 observations, even though x2 was missing values.

5.4 Exercise

Fit a logistic regression model with the dataset exercise_02.csv. (All files are available at this link.) Regress y on x1, x2, x3, and the interaction of x2 and x3. You have reason to believe y is missing completely at random, and x1 is missing conditional on x2 and x3. Missing values are coded as 99.

The coefficients on the predictors from a frequentist logistic regression are as follows:

  • x1: 0.54
  • x2: 0.62
  • x3: 0.85
  • x2*x3: 1.09

  1. Lüdtke, O., Robitzsch, A., & West, S. G. (2020). Regression models involving nonlinear effects with missing data: A sequential modeling approach using Bayesian estimation. Psychological Methods, 25(2), 157-181. https://doi.org/10.1037/met0000233↩︎