4.5 Dropping unneeded observations
4.5.1 Data concepts - Conditionally dropping observations
Observations are typically dropped based on a
variable having a specific condition.
For example in a large data set that contains city-level information
from Wisconsin, we may only be
interested in the cities in Dane county.
We could drop all observations that do not contain Dane
in a variable that records the county for the observation.
Note, this approach differs from how variables are typically
excluded from a data set, which is by name or position.
To drop observations, you will need to understand how to test for a condition and how to apply the test to all observations. These topics are covered in the remainder of this section.
4.5.2 Programming skills Conditional tests
A conditional test compares two values. How the two values are compared is determined by the comparison operator used. There are a number of comparisons and the following is a list of the common comparison operators that are used in R and Python.
operator | usage | comparison | |
1 | == | x == y | equality |
2 | != | x != y | not equal |
3 | > | x > y | x greater than y |
4 | >= | x >= y | x greater than or equal to y |
5 | < | x < y | x less than y |
6 | <= | x <= y | x less than or equal to y |
The results of a conditional test is a boolean value (true or false) or possibly the missing value indicator.
The above comparison operators can be combined with the following logical operators to check for more complicated conditions. These logical operations also result in a boolean value or the missing indicator.
R operator | Python operator | Operation | Condition for result of true | |
1 | & | and | logical and | both the left and right must be true |
2 | | | or | logical or | either the left or right must be true |
3 | ! | not | logical complement | the right value must be false | Array programming
Array programming allows the application of an operation to be applied to a set of values. Array programming is used by both R and Python to operate on all elements of a data frame variable with one function/method call. In this context array programming is often called vectorized operations.
In this section we will use vectorization to determine which
observations to drop,
by applying a conditional test to all rows of a variable.
This is visualized in figure 4.2.
Each of the n
values of the vector being tested are checked
using the specified condition.
The result is a variable that contains n
boolean values
which indicate if the condition was true or false for each row
of the variable.
The conditional results variable can now be used to determine
which rows to drop or retain
(using inclusion or exclusion.)
Note, the condition result variable does not need to be
saved as a variable of the data frame,
although it can be.

Figure 4.2: Column index of a data frame
4.5.3 Examples - R
These examples use the airAccs.csv data set.
We begin by using the same code as in the prior sections of this chapter to load the tidyverse, import the csv file, and rename the variables.
airAccs_path <- file.path("..", "datasets", "airAccs.csv") air_accidents_in <- read_csv(airAccs_path, col_types = cols())
Warning: Missing column names filled in: 'X1' [1]
air_accidents_in <- rename( air_accidents_in, obs_num = 1, date = Date, plane_type = planeType, dead = Dead, aboard = Aboard, ground = Ground ) air_accidents <- air_accidents_in %>% select(-obs_num) glimpse(air_accidents)
Observations: 5,666 Variables: 7 $ date <date> 1908-09-17, 1912-07-12, 1913-08-06, 1913-09-09, 19... $ location <chr> "Fort Myer, Virginia", "Atlantic City, New Jersey",... $ operator <chr> "Military - U.S. Army", "Military - U.S. Navy", "Pr... $ plane_type <chr> "Wright Flyer III", "Dirigible", "Curtiss seaplane"... $ dead <dbl> 1, 5, 1, 14, 30, 21, 19, 20, 22, 19, 27, 20, 20, 23... $ aboard <dbl> 2, 5, 1, 20, 30, 41, 19, 20, 22, 19, 28, 20, 20, 23... $ ground <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...
Conditionally dropping observations.
method is used to conditionally drop rows. Each row is evaluated against the supplied condition. Only rows where the condition is true are retained (selection by inclusion) in the data set. Thefilter()
method is a vectorized method that checks all rows.In this example we use a conditional test to include only accidents where there was a death on the ground. This test will compare the values in the
variable with0
. The comparison operator used is>
in the testground > 0
. The result is stored in a new data frame.air_accidents_ground <- filter(air_accidents, ground > 0)
Observations: 246 Variables: 7 $ date <date> 1921-08-24, 1922-01-14, 1933-03-25, 1935-05-18, 19... $ location <chr> "River Humber, England", "Paris, France", "Hayward,... $ operator <chr> "Military - Royal Airship Works", "Handley Page Tra... $ plane_type <chr> "Royal Airship Works ZR-2 (airship)", "Handley Page... $ dead <dbl> 46, 5, 3, 50, 35, 1, 5, 14, 1, 0, 10, 10, 1, 2, 3, ... $ aboard <dbl> 46, 5, 3, 50, 97, 1, 5, 14, 1, 4, 10, 10, 1, 2, 3, ... $ ground <dbl> 1, 5, 11, 2, 1, 52, 53, 1, 22, 1, 20, 63, 37, 17, 5...
Note, there are only 246 observations were someone on the ground died. Exploring - viewing a subset of a data frame
Conditionally displaying data.
In this example we will filter on rows that have a
value in theplane_type
columns. The condition to be tested here is for equality. Since there are two conditions we are interested in viewing, we use the logical or operator. This time we will print the results without saving them in a data frame using theprint()
function.The pipe operator,
, is used withfilter()
to display information that is useful in exploring the data frame.Note,
with then
parameter is used to control the number of rows that will be displayed.air_accidents %>% filter(plane_type == "?" | operator == "?") %>% select(location, operator, plane_type, dead) %>% print(n = 15)
# A tibble: 40 x 4 location operator plane_type dead <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> 1 Near Yarmouth, England ? Zepplin LZ-95 (air s~ 14 2 Pao Ting Fou, China ? ? 17 3 Fuhlsbuttel, Germany ? LVG C VI 2 4 Venice, Italy ? de Havilland DH-9 4 5 Cabrerolles, France Grands Express Aeri~ ? 1 6 Toul, France CIDNA ? 3 7 New York, New York ? Sikorsky S-25 2 8 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ? ? 10 9 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ? Junkers G24 6 10 Southesk, Saskatchewan~ Western Canada Airw~ ? 3 11 San Barbra, Honduras ? ? 6 12 Miami, Florida Pan American Airways ? 3 13 Gibraltar ? Consolidated Liberat~ 12 14 Poona, India Military - Indian A~ ? 1 15 Off Hampton Roads, Vir~ Military - US Navy ? 13 # ... with 25 more rows
The RStudio data viewer is convient if a data set is not too large. When a data frame is large, finding the data you want to see in the data viewer can be difficult. The approach from this example is commonly used to inspect data when a data frame is large.
Another conditional display of data.
In this example we will filter on rows where
has values between 10 and 50 deaths inclusive.air_accidents %>% filter(dead >= 10 & dead <= 50) %>% select(location, operator, plane_type, dead) %>% print(n = 10)
# A tibble: 2,281 x 4 location operator plane_type dead <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> 1 Over the North Sea Military - German~ Zeppelin L-1 (airship) 14 2 Near Johannisthal, Ger~ Military - German~ Zeppelin L-2 (airship) 30 3 Tienen, Belgium Military - German~ Zeppelin L-8 (airship) 21 4 Off Cuxhaven, Germany Military - German~ Zeppelin L-10 (airship) 19 5 Near Jambol, Bulgeria Military - German~ Schutte-Lanz S-L-10 (a~ 20 6 Billericay, England Military - German~ Zeppelin L-32 (airship) 22 7 Potters Bar, England Military - German~ Zeppelin L-31 (airship) 19 8 Mainz, Germany Military - German~ Super Zeppelin (airshi~ 27 9 Off West Hartlepool, E~ Military - German~ Zeppelin L-34 (airship) 20 10 Near Gent, Belgium Military - German~ Airship 20 # ... with 2,271 more rows
Displaying observations that contain missing values.
Conditional test are useful to examine missing data. In this example we look at the rows that are missing the
value.filter(air_accidents, is.na(operator))
# A tibble: 0 x 7 # ... with 7 variables: date <date>, location <chr>, operator <chr>, # plane_type <chr>, dead <dbl>, aboard <dbl>, ground <dbl>
4.5.4 Examples - Python
These examples use the airAccs.csv data set.
We begin by using the same code as in the prior section to load the packages, import the csv file, and rename the variables.
from pathlib import Path import pandas as pd import numpy as np
airAccs_path = Path('..') / 'datasets' / 'airAccs.csv' air_accidents_in = pd.read_csv(airAccs_path) air_accidents_in = ( air_accidents_in .rename( columns={ air_accidents_in.columns[0]: 'obs_num', 'Date': 'date', 'planeType': 'plane_type', 'Dead': 'dead', 'Aboard': 'aboard', 'Ground': 'ground'})) air_accidents = air_accidents_in.copy(deep=True) air_accidents = air_accidents.drop(columns='obs_num') print(air_accidents.dtypes)
date object location object operator object plane_type object dead float64 aboard float64 ground float64 dtype: object
Conditionally dropping observations.
method is used to conditionally subset rows. Each row is evaluated against the supplied condition. Only rows where the condition is true are retained (selection by inclusion) in the data set. Thequery()
method is a vectorized method that checks all rows.In this example we use a conditional test to include only accidents where there was a death on the ground. This test will compare the values in the
variable with0
. The comparison operator used is>
in the testground > 0
. The result is stored in a new data frame.air_accidents_ground = air_accidents.query('ground > 0') print(air_accidents_ground.shape)
(246, 7)
date location ... aboard ground 56 1921-08-24 River Humber, England ... 46.0 1.0 59 1922-01-14 Paris, France ... 5.0 5.0 305 1933-03-25 Hayward, California ... 3.0 11.0 367 1935-05-18 Near Moscow, Russia ... 50.0 2.0 449 1937-05-06 Lakehurst, New Jersey ... 97.0 1.0 [5 rows x 7 columns]
The follow is an older approach to to this task. It is shown here so that you are framiliar with the approach. The
approach will be used in this book to conditionally select rows.air_accidents_ground = air_accidents[air_accidents['ground'] > 1].copy() print(air_accidents_ground.head())
date location ... aboard ground 59 1922-01-14 Paris, France ... 5.0 5.0 305 1933-03-25 Hayward, California ... 3.0 11.0 367 1935-05-18 Near Moscow, Russia ... 50.0 2.0 497 1938-07-24 Near Bogota Colombia ... 1.0 52.0 507 1938-08-24 Tokyo, Japan ... 5.0 53.0 [5 rows x 7 columns]
Note, the
method is needed in the above example. Without thecopy()
method, what will be returned is still part of theair_accident
data frame. This will be further explained in the subsetting section of this chapter.Conditionally testing np.NaN.
The np.NaN value is never equal to itself in a pandas data frame. Therefore, it can not be tested by equality, i.e. using
== np.NaN
. To test fornp.NaN
in a variable, the variable is compared to itself. All nonnp.NAN
values will be equal to themselves and the values withnp.NaN
will be false.The following code sets the
value of the first observation tonp.NaN
and displays the head ofdate
to show thenp.NaN
value. Then it tests thedate
variable fornp.NaN
.# set date to np.NAN in the first observation. # This code will be explained in a following section. air_accidents.iloc[0, 0] = np.NAN print(air_accidents.loc[:, 'date'].head())
0 NaN 1 1912-07-12 2 1913-08-06 3 1913-09-09 4 1913-10-17 Name: date, dtype: object
print(( air_accidents.loc[:, 'date'] != air_accidents.loc[:, 'date']) .head())
0 True 1 False 2 False 3 False 4 False Name: date, dtype: bool Exploring - viewing a subset of a data frame
Conditionally displaying data.
In this example we will filter on rows that have an
value in theoperator
columns. The condition to be tested here is for equality. Since there are two conditions we are interested in viewing, we use the logical or operator. This time we will print the results without saving them in a data frame using theprint()
, andhead()
methods are chained together to display information that is useful in exploring the data frame.The
method used in this example is a data frame method that allows a function to be used as a method. Thepipe()
method calls the named function with the first parameter set to the object on the left side of the method. If the function needs any other parameters, they are listed after the function name in thepipe()
method.(air_accidents .query('plane_type == "?" | operator == "?"') .loc[:, ['location', 'operator', 'plane_type']] .head(n=15) .pipe(print))
location ... plane_type 16 Near Yarmouth, England ... Zepplin LZ-95 (air ship) 63 Pao Ting Fou, China ... ? 66 Fuhlsbuttel, Germany ... LVG C VI 70 Venice, Italy ... de Havilland DH-9 89 Cabrerolles, France ... ? 100 Toul, France ... ? 110 New York, New York ... Sikorsky S-25 143 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ... ? 169 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ... Junkers G24 228 Southesk, Saskatchewan, Canada ... ? 370 San Barbra, Honduras ... ? 598 Miami, Florida ... ? 654 Gibraltar ... Consolidated Liberator B24 C 670 Poona, India ... ? 721 Off Hampton Roads, Virginia ... ? [15 rows x 3 columns]
When a data frame is large, finding the data you want to see can be difficult. The approch from this example is commonly used to inspect data when a data frame is large.
Another conditional display of data.
In this example we will filter on rows where
has values between 10 and 50 deaths inclusive.(air_accidents .query('dead >= 10 & dead <= 50') .loc[:, ['location', 'operator', 'plane_type']] .head(n=10) .pipe(print))
location ... plane_type 3 Over the North Sea ... Zeppelin L-1 (airship) 4 Near Johannisthal, Germany ... Zeppelin L-2 (airship) 5 Tienen, Belgium ... Zeppelin L-8 (airship) 6 Off Cuxhaven, Germany ... Zeppelin L-10 (airship) 7 Near Jambol, Bulgeria ... Schutte-Lanz S-L-10 (airship) 8 Billericay, England ... Zeppelin L-32 (airship) 9 Potters Bar, England ... Zeppelin L-31 (airship) 10 Mainz, Germany ... Super Zeppelin (airship) 11 Off West Hartlepool, England ... Zeppelin L-34 (airship) 12 Near Gent, Belgium ... Airship [10 rows x 3 columns]
Displaying observations that contain missing values.
Conditional test are useful to examine missing data. In this example we look at the rows that are missing the
value.(air_accidents[air_accidents['operator'].isna()] .head() .pipe(print))
Empty DataFrame Columns: [date, location, operator, plane_type, dead, aboard, ground] Index: []
4.5.5 Exercises
These exercises use the PSID.csv
data set
that was imported in the prior section.
Import the
data set.Display some of the observations where there are more than 90 kids in the household. Chose several of the pertinent variables to display.
Create a copy of the data frame that removes the observations where
wasno history
. You may have combined these categories into a missing category in the preparatory exercises.