4  Exercise Solutions

clear all
use https://sscc.wisc.edu/sscc/pubs/stata_tables/acs

4.1 Tables

Exercise 1

Make a table containing frequencies (crosstabs) for hispanic and race. Which works best as the row variable and which as the column variable?

table (race) (hispanic)

                          |         Person is Hispanic       
                          |  Not Hispanic   Hispanic    Total
Race                      |                                  
  White                   |        10,854        822   11,676
  Black                   |         1,661         30    1,691
  American Indian         |            86          3       89
  Alaska Native           |             5                   5
  Indigenous, Unspecified |            23          5       28
  Asian                   |           503          1      504
  Pacific Islander        |            23          1       24
  Other                   |            28        794      822
  Two or more races       |           218        101      319
  Total                   |        13,401      1,757   15,158
tab (hispanic) (race)

   Person is |                    Race
    Hispanic |     White      Black  American   Alaska Na |     Total
Not Hispanic |    10,854      1,661         86          5 |    13,401 
    Hispanic |       822         30          3          0 |     1,757 
       Total |    11,676      1,691         89          5 |    15,158 

   Person is |                    Race
    Hispanic | Indigenou      Asian  Pacific I      Other |     Total
Not Hispanic |        23        503         23         28 |    13,401 
    Hispanic |         5          1          1        794 |     1,757 
       Total |        28        504         24        822 |    15,158 

   Person is |    Race
    Hispanic | Two or mo |     Total
Not Hispanic |       218 |    13,401 
    Hispanic |       101 |     1,757 
       Total |       319 |    15,158 

In general, the variable with more levels works best as the row variable.

Exercise 2

Create a crosstab of race and hispanic again, but this time only include White, Black, Asian, and Other. Include a total row but not a total column.

You can identify the values associated with those levels with:

tab race
tab race, nolabel

                   Race |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
                  White |     11,676       77.03       77.03
                  Black |      1,691       11.16       88.18
        American Indian |         89        0.59       88.77
          Alaska Native |          5        0.03       88.80
Indigenous, Unspecified |         28        0.18       88.99
                  Asian |        504        3.32       92.31
       Pacific Islander |         24        0.16       92.47
                  Other |        822        5.42       97.90
      Two or more races |        319        2.10      100.00
                  Total |     15,158      100.00

       Race |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          1 |     11,676       77.03       77.03
          2 |      1,691       11.16       88.18
          3 |         89        0.59       88.77
          4 |          5        0.03       88.80
          5 |         28        0.18       88.99
          6 |        504        3.32       92.31
          7 |         24        0.16       92.47
          8 |        822        5.42       97.90
          9 |        319        2.10      100.00
      Total |     15,158      100.00
table (race[1 2 6 8 .m]) (hispanic), total(hispanic)

        |     Person is Hispanic  
        |  Not Hispanic   Hispanic
Race    |                         
  White |        10,854        822
  Black |         1,661         30
  Asian |           503          1
  Other |            28        794
  Total |        13,401      1,757

Exercise 3

Create a similar table with hispanic for the columns, and summary statistics for age, income, and edu. For income and age, report the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles rather than the mean and standard deviation, but don’t worry about labeling them. (Hint: in the stat() option, p# requests the #th percentile.) Report overall frequencies but not percentages.

table (var result) (hispanic), ///
    stat(frequency) ///
    stat(p10 age income) ///
    stat(p25 age income) ///
    stat(p50 age income) ///
    stat(p75 age income) ///
    stat(p90 age income) ///
    stat(fvfreq edu) ///

                        |         Person is Hispanic       
                        |  Not Hispanic   Hispanic    Total
                        |        13,401      1,757   15,158
                    Age |            23         21       23
                        |            31         26       30
                        |            41         34       40
                        |            50         44       50
                        |            58         53       58
                 Income |          5100       3900     5000
                        |         12100       9000    12000
                        |         25600      16000    24400
                        |         43000      28000    41100
                        |         68200      45000    65400
 Educational Attainment |                                  
Less Than High School   |         1,703        785    2,488
  High School Diploma   |         3,770        435    4,205
         Some College   |         4,273        394    4,667
           Bachelor's   |         2,391        101    2,492
      Advanced Degree   |         1,264         42    1,306

4.2 Collections

Exercise 1

Identify the levels and labels of the dimension command. Can you guess what it means?

collect levelsof command
collect label list command

Collection: Table
 Dimension: command
    Levels: 0

  Collection: Table
   Dimension: command
       Label: Command option index
Level labels:
           0  Statistic

Note that command has one level called 0, not zero levels.

The command() option lets you put the results of running the Stata command of your choice in your table. If you do that, the command dimension will contain the command or commands you ran. However, if you use the stat() option, including the implicit stat(freq) option you get if you don’t specify anything, the command dimension will just say “Statistic”.

Exercise 2

Add log likelihood to to the table. Also, the colname level female consists of 0.female and 1.female but 0.female is not of interest, so only ask for 1.female.

collect addtags colname[ll], fortags(result[ll])
collect layout (colname[age 1.female _cons N ll]#result[_r_b _r_se N ll])

(level ll of dimension result not found)
(0 items changed in collection Table)

(level N of dimension colname not found)
(level _cons of dimension colname not found)
(level 1.female of dimension colname not found)
(level N of dimension result not found)
(level _r_b of dimension result not found)
(level _r_se of dimension result not found)

Collection: Table
      Rows: colname[age 1.female _cons N ll]#result[_r_b _r_se N ll]

Your layout specification does not identify any items.

Exercise 3

Regress income on i.edu, with separate models for Hispanic and Not Hispanic. Just for variety, make separate tables for each model rather than two columns (recall that the third dimension is separate tables). These models will have very different sample sizes so include sample size in the table, but don’t worry about making it last.

collect clear
collect: bysort hispanic: reg income i.edu
collect addtag colname[N], fortags(result[N])
collect layout (colname#result[_r_b _r_se N]) () (hispanic)

-> hispanic = Not Hispanic

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =    13,401
-------------+----------------------------------   F(4, 13396)     =    487.20
       Model |  3.0368e+12         4  7.5921e+11   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  2.0875e+13    13,396  1.5583e+09   R-squared       =    0.1270
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.1267
       Total |  2.3912e+13    13,400  1.7845e+09   Root MSE        =     39476

       income | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
          edu |
High Schoo..  |   6431.412   1152.558     5.58   0.000     4172.236    8690.589
Some College  |   12551.76   1131.253    11.10   0.000     10334.35    14769.18
  Bachelor's  |   30730.25   1251.713    24.55   0.000     28276.71    33183.78
Advanced D..  |   52532.11   1465.568    35.84   0.000     49659.39    55404.83
        _cons |   18853.56   956.5787    19.71   0.000     16978.53    20728.59

-> hispanic = Hispanic

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =     1,757
-------------+----------------------------------   F(4, 1752)      =     47.81
       Model |  1.3000e+11         4  3.2499e+10   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  1.1908e+12     1,752   679697080   R-squared       =    0.0984
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.0964
       Total |  1.3208e+12     1,756   752178737   Root MSE        =     26071

       income | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
          edu |
High Schoo..  |   6511.621   1558.325     4.18   0.000     3455.248    9567.995
Some College  |   9306.481   1609.651     5.78   0.000     6149.442    12463.52
  Bachelor's  |   31167.33   2755.999    11.31   0.000     25761.94    36572.72
Advanced D..  |   34246.58   4129.058     8.29   0.000     26148.18    42344.98
        _cons |   16153.76   930.5139    17.36   0.000     14328.72    17978.79

(2 items changed in collection default)

Collection: default
      Rows: colname#result[_r_b _r_se N]
    Tables: hispanic
   Table 1: 20 x 1
   Table 2: 20 x 1

Not Hispanic
Less Than High School    |         
  Coefficient            |        0
  Std. error             |        0
High School Diploma      |         
  Coefficient            | 6431.412
  Std. error             | 1152.558
Some College             |         
  Coefficient            | 12551.76
  Std. error             | 1131.253
Bachelor's               |         
  Coefficient            | 30730.25
  Std. error             | 1251.713
Advanced Degree          |         
  Coefficient            | 52532.11
  Std. error             | 1465.568
N                        |         
  Number of observations |    13401
Intercept                |         
  Coefficient            | 18853.56
  Std. error             | 956.5787

Less Than High School    |         
  Coefficient            |        0
  Std. error             |        0
High School Diploma      |         
  Coefficient            | 6511.621
  Std. error             | 1558.325
Some College             |         
  Coefficient            | 9306.481
  Std. error             | 1609.651
Bachelor's               |         
  Coefficient            | 31167.33
  Std. error             | 2755.999
Advanced Degree          |         
  Coefficient            | 34246.58
  Std. error             | 4129.058
N                        |         
  Number of observations |     1757
Intercept                |         
  Coefficient            | 16153.76
  Std. error             | 930.5139

Exercise 4

Add another model (model four) that includes age cubed. But to help you decide if adding yet another term to the model is a good idea or not, add R-squared to the table so you can tell if adding age-cubed increased R-squared significantly. Don’t worry about putting R-squared last.

This only works properly after running the first three models:

collect clear
collect, tag(model[(1)]): reg income i.female i.edu
collect, tag(model[(2)]): reg income i.female i.edu age
collect, tag(model[(3)]): reg income i.female i.edu c.age##c.age

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =    15,158
-------------+----------------------------------   F(5, 15152)     =    656.63
       Model |  4.5380e+12         5  9.0759e+11   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  2.0943e+13    15,152  1.3822e+09   R-squared       =    0.1781
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.1778
       Total |  2.5481e+13    15,157  1.6811e+09   Root MSE        =     37178

       income | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
       female |
      Female  |  -17536.46   605.1548   -28.98   0.000    -18722.64   -16350.28
          edu |
High Schoo..  |   7976.849   940.9349     8.48   0.000     6132.503    9821.194
Some College  |   14402.38   924.3338    15.58   0.000     12590.58    16214.19
  Bachelor's  |   32385.91   1054.114    30.72   0.000     30319.72     34452.1
Advanced D..  |   53206.38   1270.507    41.88   0.000     50716.03    55696.73
        _cons |   25628.12   790.4475    32.42   0.000     24078.75    27177.49

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =    15,158
-------------+----------------------------------   F(6, 15151)     =    643.63
       Model |  5.1756e+12         6  8.6260e+11   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  2.0305e+13    15,151  1.3402e+09   R-squared       =    0.2031
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.2028
       Total |  2.5481e+13    15,157  1.6811e+09   Root MSE        =     36609

       income | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
       female |
      Female  |  -17635.83   595.9085   -29.59   0.000    -18803.88   -16467.77
          edu |
High Schoo..  |   7789.569   926.5708     8.41   0.000     5973.378    9605.759
Some College  |   14988.99   910.5812    16.46   0.000     13204.14    16773.84
  Bachelor's  |   32429.34    1037.98    31.24   0.000     30394.78    34463.91
Advanced D..  |   50349.74   1257.894    40.03   0.000     47884.12    52815.36
          age |   520.3155   23.85438    21.81   0.000      473.558    567.0729
        _cons |   4894.683    1228.56     3.98   0.000     2486.557    7302.809

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =    15,158
-------------+----------------------------------   F(7, 15150)     =    582.65
       Model |  5.4048e+12         7  7.7211e+11   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  2.0076e+13    15,150  1.3252e+09   R-squared       =    0.2121
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.2117
       Total |  2.5481e+13    15,157  1.6811e+09   Root MSE        =     36403

       income | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
       female |
      Female  |  -17533.85   592.6066   -29.59   0.000    -18695.43   -16372.27
          edu |
High Schoo..  |    6753.61   924.7195     7.30   0.000     4941.048    8566.171
Some College  |   13655.69    911.117    14.99   0.000     11869.79    15441.59
  Bachelor's  |   30414.44    1043.45    29.15   0.000     28369.15    32459.73
Advanced D..  |   48301.99   1260.472    38.32   0.000     45831.31    50772.67
          age |   2519.698   153.8792    16.37   0.000     2218.076     2821.32
  c.age#c.age |  -24.46875   1.860689   -13.15   0.000    -28.11593   -20.82158
        _cons |  -30905.68   2983.924   -10.36   0.000    -36754.54   -25056.83

Now the exercise itself:

collect, tag(model[(4)]): reg income i.female i.edu c.age##c.age##c.age
collect addtags colname[r2], fortags(result[r2])
collect layout (colname#result[_r_b _r_se r2]) (model)

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =    15,158
-------------+----------------------------------   F(8, 15149)     =    510.21
       Model |  5.4083e+12         8  6.7603e+11   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  2.0073e+13    15,149  1.3250e+09   R-squared       =    0.2122
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.2118
       Total |  2.5481e+13    15,157  1.6811e+09   Root MSE        =     36401

       income | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
       female |
      Female  |  -17537.59   592.5788   -29.60   0.000    -18699.12   -16376.06
          edu |
High Schoo..  |   6793.435   924.9927     7.34   0.000     4980.338    8606.533
Some College  |   13680.91   911.1991    15.01   0.000     11894.85    15466.97
  Bachelor's  |   30520.95   1045.443    29.19   0.000     28471.76    32570.15
Advanced D..  |   48311.77   1260.418    38.33   0.000      45841.2    50782.34
          age |   1341.909   739.6677     1.81   0.070    -107.9288    2791.747
  c.age#c.age |   6.032787   18.82848     0.32   0.749     -30.8733    42.93888
        c.age |   -.246602   .1514814    -1.63   0.104    -.5435237    .0503198
        _cons |  -16935.91   9085.218    -1.86   0.062    -34744.03     872.212

(4 items changed in collection default)

Collection: default
      Rows: colname#result[_r_b _r_se r2]
   Columns: model
   Table 1: 35 x 4

                      |       (1)       (2)       (3)       (4)
Male                  |                                        
  Coefficient         |         0         0         0         0
  Std. error          |         0         0         0         0
Female                |                                        
  Coefficient         | -17536.46 -17635.83 -17533.85 -17537.59
  Std. error          |  605.1548  595.9085  592.6066  592.5788
Less Than High School |                                        
  Coefficient         |         0         0         0         0
  Std. error          |         0         0         0         0
High School Diploma   |                                        
  Coefficient         |  7976.849  7789.569   6753.61  6793.435
  Std. error          |  940.9349  926.5708  924.7195  924.9927
Some College          |                                        
  Coefficient         |  14402.38  14988.99  13655.69  13680.91
  Std. error          |  924.3338  910.5812   911.117  911.1991
Bachelor's            |                                        
  Coefficient         |  32385.91  32429.34  30414.44  30520.95
  Std. error          |  1054.114   1037.98   1043.45  1045.443
Advanced Degree       |                                        
  Coefficient         |  53206.38  50349.74  48301.99  48311.77
  Std. error          |  1270.507  1257.894  1260.472  1260.418
Age                   |                                        
  Coefficient         |            520.3155  2519.698  1341.909
  Std. error          |            23.85438  153.8792  739.6677
Age # Age             |                                        
  Coefficient         |                     -24.46875  6.032787
  Std. error          |                      1.860689  18.82848
Age # Age # Age       |                                        
  Coefficient         |                                -.246602
  Std. error          |                                .1514814
r2                    |                                        
  R-squared           |  .1780919  .2031156  .2121091  .2122469
Intercept             |                                        
  Coefficient         |  25628.12  4894.683 -30905.68 -16935.91
  Std. error          |  790.4475   1228.56  2983.924  9085.218

4.3 Appearance


The commands below create a table of t-test results (you can also think of it as a table of summary statistics that happens to include whether the differences between the groups are significant). Make it pretty–but don’t try to add stars for significance.

collect clear
collect diff=(r(mu_1) - r(mu_2)), tag(var[Age]): ttest age, by(hispanic)
collect diff=(r(mu_1) - r(mu_2)), tag(var[Income]): ttest income, by(hispanic)
collect addtag col[not_hispanic], fortags(result[mu_1 sd_1])
collect addtag col[hispanic], fortags(result[mu_2 sd_2])
collect addtag col[Difference], fortags(result[diff])
collect addtag col[pval], fortags(result[p])
collect addtag row[mean], fortags(result[mu_1 mu_2 diff p])
collect addtag row[sd], fortags(result[sd_1 sd_2])
collect layout (var#row) (col)

Two-sample t test with equal variances
   Group |     Obs        Mean    Std. err.   Std. dev.   [95% conf. interval]
Not Hisp |  13,401    40.73838    .1085502    12.56607     40.5256    40.95115
Hispanic |   1,757    35.68754    .2817152    11.80854      35.135    36.24007
Combined |  15,158    40.15292    .1022155    12.58455    39.95257    40.35328
    diff |            5.050842    .3166677                4.430135    5.671549
    diff = mean(Not Hisp) - mean(Hispanic)                        t =  15.9500
H0: diff = 0                                     Degrees of freedom =    15156

    Ha: diff < 0                 Ha: diff != 0                 Ha: diff > 0
 Pr(T < t) = 1.0000         Pr(|T| > |t|) = 0.0000          Pr(T > t) = 0.0000

Two-sample t test with equal variances
   Group |     Obs        Mean    Std. err.   Std. dev.   [95% conf. interval]
Not Hisp |  13,401    35102.85    364.9115    42243.14    34387.57    35818.13
Hispanic |   1,757    22463.13    654.2966    27425.88    21179.85    23746.41
Combined |  15,158    33637.75    333.0283    41001.73    32984.97    34290.52
    diff |            12639.72     1035.28                10610.44    14668.99
    diff = mean(Not Hisp) - mean(Hispanic)                        t =  12.2090
H0: diff = 0                                     Degrees of freedom =    15156

    Ha: diff < 0                 Ha: diff != 0                 Ha: diff > 0
 Pr(T < t) = 1.0000         Pr(|T| > |t|) = 0.0000          Pr(T > t) = 0.0000

(4 items changed in collection default)

(4 items changed in collection default)

(2 items changed in collection default)

(2 items changed in collection default)

(8 items changed in collection default)

(4 items changed in collection default)

Collection: default
      Rows: var#row
   Columns: col
   Table 1: 6 x 4

       | not_hispanic hispanic Difference     pval
Age    |                                          
  mean |     40.73838 35.68754   5.050842 8.26e-57
  sd   |     12.56607 11.80854                    
Income |                                          
  mean |     35102.85 22463.13   12639.72 4.03e-34
  sd   |     42243.14 27425.88                    

The results created by ttest, for reference:

collect label list result

  Collection: default
   Dimension: result
       Label: Result
Level labels:
         N_1  Sample size n₁
         N_2  Sample size n₂
        df_t  Degrees of freedom
       level  Confidence level
        mu_1  x₁ mean for population 1
        mu_2  x₂ mean for population 2
           p  Two-sided p-value
         p_l  Lower one-sided p-value
         p_u  Upper one-sided p-value
          sd  Combined std. dev.
        sd_1  Standard deviation for first variable
        sd_2  Standard deviation for second variable
          se  Std. error
           t  t statistic

And now the exercise proper:

collect label levels col ///
    not_hispanic "Not Hispanic" hispanic "Hispanic" pval "P-Value", modify
collect style header row, level(hide)
collect style cell row[sd], sformat("(%s)")
collect style cell row[mean], sformat("%s ")
collect style cell var[Age], nformat(%12.1f)
collect style cell var[Income], nformat(%12.0fc)
collect style cell col[pval], nformat(%8.2f)
collect style cell, border(right, pattern(nil))
collect preview

       Not Hispanic Hispanic Difference P-Value
Age           40.7     35.7        5.1    0.00 
             (12.6)   (11.8)                   
Income      35,103   22,463     12,640    0.00 
           (42,243) (27,426)                   

Of course your definition of “pretty” may be different, and that’s fine.