INPUT Specifications

Finding and interpreting the text to use for each data value is the most important function of the INPUT statement. There are three main methods of identifying the text to use for the next data value:

  • data value delimiters (e.g. spaces, commas)
  • column positions
  • informats (for data with commas, currency symbols, dates and times, etc.)

These three methods may be used together in the same INPUT statement.

In addition to methods of identifying text for data values, there are also a number of pointer instructions that allow us to change the position of the pointer in the input buffer without reading text for a variable. We can move the pointer

  • to a fixed position
  • forward or backward a relative number of characters

Delimited Data

As we have seen, the INPUT statement for delimited data (list, csv) just lists the names of the variables to be created, and indicates those that are character variables.

However, if the delimiting character is also a valid character within a data value, we need to move beyond the default. In this case we need to declare that the data is delimited on the INFILE statement. The DSD option by itself defaults to using commas as delimiters.

If we have a space delimited file with quoted character values, we can add a DELIMITER option to the INFILE statements as well.

data club; 
    infile datalines dsd delimiter=' ';
   input idno name $ team $ strtwght endwght; 
1023 'David S' red 189 165 
1049 'Amelia H' yellow 145 124 
1219 'Alan F' red 210 192 
1246 'Ravi S' yellow 194 177 
1078 'Ashley J' red 127 118 
1221 'Jim G' yellow 220 . 

proc print; run;
         Obs    idno    name        team      strtwght    endwght

          1     1023    David S     red          189        165  
          2     1049    Amelia H    yellow       145        124  
          3     1219    Alan F      red          210        192  
          4     1246    Ravi S      yellow       194        177  
          5     1078    Ashley J    red          127        118  
          6     1221    Jim G       yellow       220          .  

It is important to notice that multiple adjacent delimiters now denote missing values. In the next example, there are two spaces between “red” and “165”. (Missing numeric values also may still be represented with a period, as in the previous example.)

data club; 
    infile datalines dsd delimiter=' ';
   input idno name $ team $ strtwght endwght; 
1023 'David S' red  165 
1049 'Amelia H' yellow 145 124 

proc print; run;
         Obs    idno      name      team      strtwght    endwght

          1     1023    David S     red            .        165  
          2     1049    Amelia H    yellow       145        124  

It is not necessary to read in all the variables. But in list specification style, we do have to begin at the start of each record and read all the data through the last variable we wish to keep. For example, if I want ID numbers and team names, I also have to read individual names (which I might then DROP).

data club; 
  infile datalines dsd delimiter=' ';
  input idno name $ team $;
  drop name;
1023 'David S' red 189 165 
1049 'Amelia H' yellow 145 124 
1219 'Alan F' red 210 192 
1246 'Ravi S' yellow 194 177 

proc print; run;
                           Obs    idno    team

                            1     1023    red   
                            2     1049    yellow
                            3     1219    red   
                            4     1246    yellow

Fixed Columns

It is also common (especially in older data sets) for data values to be aligned in regular (fixed) columns. This takes the form

varname <$> start<-end>

Fixed column data makes it very easy to extract just a few variables from a file. However, figuring out which columns contain the data of interest can be mind-numbing. A codebook that gives column specifications (a.k.a. a data dictionary) is a live-saver!

data club; 
  infile datalines;
  input idno 1-4 name $ 6-13 team $ 15-20
        strtwght 22-24 endwght 26-28; 
1023 David S  red    189 165 
1049 Amelia H yellow 145 124 
1219 Alan F   red    210 192 

proc print; run;
         Obs    idno      name      team      strtwght    endwght

          1     1023    David S     red          189        165  
          2     1049    Amelia H    yellow       145        124  
          3     1219    Alan F      red          210        192  

We no longer have to worry about whether the delimiting character is valid inside a data value, and we no longer require placeholders or multiple delimiters to represent missing data. Data values may even run together.

data club; 
  infile datalines;
  input idno 1-4 name $ 6-13 team $ 15-20
        strtwght 22-24 endwght 25-27; 
1023 David S  red    189165 
1049 Amelia H yellow 145124 
1219 Alan F   red    210192 

proc print; run;
         Obs    idno      name      team      strtwght    endwght

          1     1023    David S     red          189        165  
          2     1049    Amelia H    yellow       145        124  
          3     1219    Alan F      red          210        192  

To read selected variables, we just specify what we want to keep on the INPUT statement.

data club; 
  infile datalines;
  input team $ 15-20 endwght 25-27; 
1023 David S  red    189165 
1049 Amelia H yellow 145124 
1219 Alan F   red    210192 

proc print; run;
                         Obs    team      endwght

                          1     red         165  
                          2     yellow      124  
                          3     red         192  

Formatted Data

Formatted numeric data presents a problem, because SAS interprets these as character data. While we could read them as character values and transform them later in the DATA step, where we have an existing format that produces the same sort of output it is often easier to simply use the inverse function, the informat. SAS informats have the same names as the formats, making them fairly easy to remember. (You can also create your own informats.)

data formatted; 
   input item $ 1-11 amount comma5.; 
trucks     1,382 
jeeps      1,235 
landrovers 2,391 

proc print data=formatted; 
                        Obs    item          amount

                         1     trucks         1382 
                         2     jeeps          1235 
                         3     landrovers     2391 

Notice that this example mixes fixed column specification and formatted specification!

Pointer Instructions

As data values are being read from the input buffer, a pointer is keeping track of the position in the buffer. With both delimited and formatted data, the pointer ends up at the position after the text that is read, and this becomes the starting point for reading the next data value.

In addition to moving the pointer by reading data values, you can also move the pointer without reading data. This has basic three forms

  • @n, an absolute numeric position
  • +n, a relative numeric position
  • @'char', a relative character position

Absolute positions (@n)

You can always move the pointer to any position number before reading the next variable from the input buffer.

In this example, first an id is input, and then the pointer is moved to position 26 before endwgt is read.

data club; 
  infile datalines;
  input id @26 endwght; 
1023 David S  red    189 165 
1049 Amelia H yellow 145 124 
1219 Alan F   red    210 192 

proc print; run;
                          Obs     id     endwght

                           1     1023      165  
                           2     1049      124  
                           3     1219      192  

You can move the pointer in either direction, forward or backward, and in fact you can reread text. It is also possible to use a numeric variable or a numeric expression, rather than a fixed n for all observations.

Relative positions ( +n )

The pointer can also be moved forward or backward (using +(-n)) from it’s position after the specifications that have preceded it.

In this example, the start date is read with a date informat that leaves the pointer in position 11. The +9 specification move the pointer nine positions to the right before trying to read the value of count.

data dates;
  input start mmddyy10. +9 count;
  format start date9.;
09/20/2024 09/30/24 15
08/20/2024 09/19/24 37

proc print noobs; run;
                                start    count

                            20SEP2024      15 
                            20AUG2024      37 

Here too, a numeric variable or expression can be used instead of a fixed n for every observation.

Relative character positions (@‘char’)

The @'char' specification moves the pointer to the character after the next occurrence of the character string in the input buffer.

In this example, after x and y are read, the pointer is located at the character after the space that delimits the end of y. the @" " then moves the pointer to position after the next space.

data test;
    input x y @" " z;
1 2 3 45 6
543 2 1 0

proc print noobs; run;
                                x    y     z

                                1    2    45
                              543    2     0

As with the numeric pointers, character variables or expressions may be used here instead of a literal character value.