Using the SSCC Linux Servers

This workshop will show you how to use the SSCC's Linux servers for your research, including both Linstat and Slurm. It is designed for a small group and the agenda will be flexible, depending on the needs, interests, and backgrounds of the participants. Topics may include:

  • Moving your data to the SSCC file system
  • Modifying your code so it will run on the servers
  • Logging into the servers
  • Running jobs interactively
  • Submitting jobs to the Slurm cluster
  • Running particular programs, like R, Stata, Python, etc.
  • Running jobs that use GPUs

There will be plenty of time for questions and addressing other topics. The goal of this workshop is that within a day or two of taking it you can be running jobs on the servers.

Note that you need to be a member of the SSCC to use the SSCC's servers. If you are affiliated with one of the SSCC's member agencies but do not yet have an account, please request one before the class.

Instructor: Dimond
Room: 4218 Sewell Social Sciences Building
Date: 7/16
Time: 1:00 - 1:45


SSCC Members click here to register
Non-Members, please fill out the following:
UW Email Address:
Primary Department: