Creating Shiny Apps

This workshop has sessions on multiple days. You should plan to attend all the sessions.

Shiny is an R package used to create interactive web applications that run an R session.

In this workshop, you will learn how to create your own Shiny app for visualizing and summarizing a dataset of your choosing. We will discuss how SSCC members can put Shiny apps on the SSCC's web server as well as how to use the free hosting service.

To benefit from this workshop, you will need an understanding of the fundamentals of working with data in R, such as you can get from our Data Wrangling in R workshop or online curriculum ( Advanced skills in data wrangling and visualization in R will allow you to create more complex Shiny apps, as will knowledge of HTML and R Markdown, but these are not required.

Instructor: Struck
Room: 3218 Sewell Social Sciences Building
Dates: 10/4, 10/11, 10/18
Time: 10:45 - 11:45
Semester: fall21