Using SSCC Linux Servers

Want your statistical jobs to run faster? Tired of babysitting your computer while it runs long jobs? Need to run a bunch of jobs and wish you could run them all at the same time? SSCC's Linux servers can help.

This class is designed for researchers who are finding they need more computing power than their laptop or even Winstat can provide. In the SSCC's integrated environment you can access all the power of the SSCC's Linux servers by learning just a few Linux commands, and this class will show you how.

In this class we'll cover:

  • Modifying a Stata/R/Matlab/Python/MPlus/Julia/etc. script so it can run on Linstat
  • Using RStudio Server to run R jobs on Linux servers without learning any Linux at all
  • Logging into Linstat
  • Running your script and monitoring its progress
  • When and how to submit jobs to HTCondor

Everything we'll discuss also applies to the SSCC's Silo environment. You'll just use LinSilo, CondorSilo, etc.

Instructor: Dimond
Room: 3218 Sewell Social Sciences Building
Date: 9/23
Time: 10:00 - 11:15
Semester: fall21