Our summer training schedule is now available on SSCC's training web pages. Later this month we will be offering Running Large Statistical Jobs Using Condor and Introduction to Pattern Based Search and Replace. Summer is a great time to learn new software like SAS, SPSS, Stata, and Dreamweaver. Be sure and register early before sessions fill!
The SSCC's Broadcast message contains information like downtime plans, software upgrades, any problems with SSCC servers, and other important announcements. However, you only see it when you first log in to an SSCC computer. Thus we have begun making the same information available as an RSS feed. RSS gives you access to the latest information in SSCC's Broadcast message at any time and from any place. See Getting SSCC Announcements via RSS for more information about what RSS is and how to use it.
SPSS 16 has been up and running on Falcon for two months now and so we plan to remove SPSS 15 from Hal on May 12th. Visit March's SSCC News for details about using SPSS 16 on SSCC's 64-bit server, Falcon.
Many user-written Stata programs have occasional updates just like other software. Sometimes these include bug fixes. You can update the programs you've downloaded in Stata by typing adoupdate.
However, program packages associated with articles in the Stata Journal are not updated--they are always the version of the program described in the article. Thus it's probably best to avoid installing these packages. For example, the popular ice package is associated with three Stata Journal articles, and you can download three packages containing ice as a result: stb0067_1, stb0067_2 and stb0067_3. However, the latest version, and the one that will continue to be updated, is found in the package that is simply called ice.
For more information, see Finding and Installing User-Written Stata Programs.