Installing R Packages from Github on Silo

Silo cannot access the internet, but it allows for package installation from CRAN. Some R packages we may want to use are on GitHub rather than CRAN, and others exist on GitHub as development versions with more features. In order to install a package from GitHub onto Silo, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the GitHub page of the package you would like to download, such as
  2. Click the green “Code” button, and then “Download ZIP”. In this example, is downloaded.

  1. Transfer the .zip file to Silo using Globus.
  2. Log into Silo.
  3. Open R or RStudio.
  4. Install the package with devtools::install_local("FILEPATH/"), replacing “FILEPATH” with the path to the file, and “” with the name of your .zip file. If the file is located at V:/myproject/, we would use the code devtools::install_local("V:/myproject/") to install it.

Note: To use Globus, you must have a NetID. If you do not have a NetID because you are an external collaborator, ask a colleague to perform steps 1-3 for you. They can place the package file(s) in a place you both have access to, such as your shared project directory. Then follow steps 4-6 on your own.