Debate in Jacobin
“How to be an Anticapitalist Today”, Erik Olin Wright, Jacobin. December 12, 2015
“An Anti-capitalism that can Win”, by Dylan Rile, Jacobin. January 6, 2016. Link
“How to Think about (and win) Socialism”, by Erik Olin Wright. Jacobin. April 27, 2016
Draft book manuscript, How to be an Anticapitalist for the 21st Century (forthcoming, Verso, 2019)
General essay on core argument of the bookEarly version: "How to be an Anticapitalist for the 21st Century", November 2016
December 2017 Version: "Strategic Logics of Anticapitalism"
Seminar at Sydney University, May, 2016 Link
Public Lectures on the themes of the anticapitalism: