Use this page to format the estimates returned by Blimp.
This app will parse the data into columns and remove whitespace.
You will need to repeat the process for every section you want to format.
Paste one section of Blimp estimates here.
The first line should have the column names (e.g., Parameters, Median, etc.).
Parameters Median StdDev 2.5% 97.5% PSR N_Eff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Variances: Residual Var. 14.611 0.928 12.916 16.584 1.000 6086.359 Coefficients: Intercept 27.701 0.256 27.208 28.204 1.000 4675.371 x1 0.588 0.060 0.472 0.706 1.000 5119.163 x2 0.191 0.045 0.101 0.277 1.001 4315.672 d2 1.807 0.343 1.130 2.479 1.000 6642.630 Standardized Coefficients: x1 0.401 0.036 0.328 0.468 1.000 5002.048 x2 0.173 0.040 0.092 0.249 1.001 4367.722 d2 0.204 0.038 0.128 0.276 1.000 6503.835 Proportion Variance Explained by Coefficients 0.259 0.033 0.195 0.323 1.001 4367.193 by Residual Variation 0.741 0.033 0.677 0.805 1.001 4367.193 -------------------------------------------------------------------