SSCC News for January 2025

SSCC Training It’s not too late to sign up for the SSCC’s qualitative data analysis workshops: Using Software for Qualitative Analysis, Introduction to NVivo, and Introduction to MaxQDA. Remember, Caitlin is only with us temporarily, so these workshops may not be taught again. Caitlin is also available for consulting on qualitative analysis. We’re also teaching more conventional workshops, including data visualization in R, regression diagnostics, and Stata macros and loops. Visit the training page for details and to register. Graduated? Make Sure We Can Reach You If you have graduated but are still collaborating on research at UW-Madison, be sure to change your preferred email address in our system to something you’ll be able to read when your UW email account is closed. Every spring we have our account renewal exercise, and if you don’t get that email and renew your account it will be closed automatically. (Also, you wouldn’t want to miss SSCC News, would you?) You can change your preferred email address using the self-service portal. Winter Tech Update All of the SSCC’s servers and software were updated on January 11. This included upgrading the Linux servers to Alma Linux 9, a major version upgrade. In a couple …

SSCC News January 2023

SSCC Slurm Cluster Expansion The new servers purchased through the SSCC’s Research Core Revitalization Program grant have been added to the Slurm cluster. The Slurm cluster now has: Over 5000 total cores Servers with 128 cores Servers with 1024GB of memory Servers with powerful A100 GPUs Our Slurm cluster has become the place to run big research computing jobs. If you’re still running big jobs on Linstat, it’s time to start submitting them to Slurm instead (it’s easy to do). Linstat will focus on interactive work going forward. We are committed to making large-scale computing as accessible and easy to use as possible. Our Guide to Research Computing at the SSCC is a great tool to guide you in using Slurm. Our Statistical Consultants are also happy to answer questions and help you navigate using the new servers. Winter Tech Update The SSCC will be undergoing our annual winter tech update from 9am-5pm on Saturday January 7th. All SSCC services will be unavailable during that time. Any ongoing projects or work should be saved to prevent any data loss. Please contact the SSCC Help Desk with any questions or concerns. Some of the new features included in the winter tech update are: Various SSCC …

SSCC Slurm Cluster

The SSCC’s Slurm cluster has become the place to run big research computing jobs. If you’re still running big jobs on Linstat, it’s time to start submitting them to Slurm instead (it’s easy to do). Linstat will focus on interactive work going forward. We are committed to making large-scale computing as accessible and easy to use as possible. The SSCC’s computing Guide to Research Computing at the SSCC is a great tool to guide you in using Slurm. The SSCC’s Statistical Consultants are also happy to answer questions and help you navigate using the new servers.

SSCC News November 2022

Spring Training The SSCC’s spring training schedule is now available. The core Data Wrangling in R, Stata, or Python workshops will be taught in mid-January, between semesters, and online so you can take them even if you’re not back in Madison yet. Other highlights include: Regression Review with R Introduction to Web Scraping with R Data Visualization in R Stata Workshop: Dates Stata Workshop: Presentable Bar Graphs Multiple workshops on using the SSCC’s computing resources for big jobs, especially Slurm Workshops are free, but registration is required. See the training schedule for details and to register. Staff Changes at the SSCC Mitchell Karam has left the SSCC, and we wish him well in his future endeavors.  Zach Heise will be taking over Mitchell’s duties as our primary administrator for Winstat. We are pleased to welcome Rebecca (Reba) Schmidt as the SSCC’s newest Windows System Administrator.  Reba is originally from Northcentral Wisconsin but has been in the Madison area for over six years. She has two cats, Luna and Mako, and a dog named Dandelion. In her spare time, she likes to play board games, tabletop RPGs, and video games, read, and enjoy the outdoors. She is a casual space fan, houseplant enthusiast, and an all-around nerd. Linstat Monthly …

CONTACT US Email: (If you send an email to the Help Desk using a non-UW email address, please be sure to include your name or SSCC user name so we know who you are.) If you have a statistical question, please either email it to or make an appointment with one of our statistical consultants. For non-statistical assistance you are welcome to make an appointment with our help desk. Voicemail:  262-9917 Walk in:  Located in 4226 Social Sciences, look for the white Help Desk sign or the red Stat Consulting sign.  HELP DESK HOURS 9am – 12pm & 1pm-4pm, Monday – Friday

Who We Are The Social Science Computing Cooperative supports researchers at UW-Madison who use statistical analysis in their work. We provide a complete research computing environment focused on statistics plus the expert help you need to use it. This includes: Statistical consultants who are experts on the most popular statistical software and can answer many methodological questions Training on statistical computing, including workshops and an extensive Statistical Computing Knowledge Base. Powerful and easy-to-use Windows and Linux based servers with the most popular statistical software installed and ready for use, plus many specialized packages A restricted data environment for working with HIPAA or other sensitive data Secure data storage A dedicated help desk staffed by IT professionals, with immediate access to the system administrators who run the servers The Social Science Computing Cooperative was created by researchers more than 30 years ago in order to take advantage of returns to scale by pooling resources. It is governed today by a Steering Committee made up primarily of faculty researchers, who represent their member agencies. This structure allows the SSCC to be responsive and flexible, but also makes us accountable to our members. The SSCC is also committed to future researchers. SSCC training is extremely popular with graduate students and others who are just starting their research careers. Instructors in …