SSCC Training It’s not too late to sign up for the SSCC’s qualitative data analysis workshops: Using Software for Qualitative Analysis, Introduction to NVivo, and Introduction to MaxQDA. Remember, Caitlin is only with us temporarily, so these workshops may not be taught again. Caitlin is also available for consulting on qualitative analysis. We’re also teaching more conventional workshops, including data visualization in R, regression diagnostics, and Stata macros and loops. Visit the training page for details and to register. Graduated? Make Sure We Can Reach You If you have graduated but are still collaborating on research at UW-Madison, be sure to change your preferred email address in our system to something you’ll be able to read when your UW email account is closed. Every spring we have our account renewal exercise, and if you don’t get that email and renew your account it will be closed automatically. (Also, you wouldn’t want to miss SSCC News, would you?) You can change your preferred email address using the self-service portal. Winter Tech Update All of the SSCC’s servers and software were updated on January 11. This included upgrading the Linux servers to Alma Linux 9, a major version upgrade. In a couple …
SSCC News for November 2024
Caitlin’s Back! (Temporarily) The SSCC Help Desk has been short-staffed since August and, by happy coincidence, Caitlin Tefft is temporarily available. Caitlin worked for the SSCC from 2009 to 2021 before she left to complete her Master’s degree in Library and Information Studies with a concentration in Data/Information Management & Analytics. She’ll be working half-time for the SSCC, and dividing that time between staffing the Help Desk and putting her new expertise to use by helping SSCC’s qualitative researchers–more on that in a moment. Once Caitlin starts, on December 2nd, the Help Desk will again be available for walk-in visits (4226 Sewell Social Sciences Building) and phone calls (262-9917). Of course you can continue to send email ( and make appointments for video chats ( SSCC Now Offering Consulting on Qualitative Analysis Caitlin’s primary interest has always been qualitative analysis, and some of you will recall that she was assisting researchers with both Nvivo issues and methodological questions even before she finished her master’s degree. As long as she’s here, the SSCC will be able to offer consulting on qualitative analysis similar to the consulting on quantitative analysis we’ve offered for many years. Please take advantage of it! We hope …
SSCC News for September 2024
Welcome to the SSCC! We want to extend a warm welcome to all the new members of the Social Science Computing Cooperative, whether you’re a new faculty member, staff member, or graduate student who will use our resources for research; or an undergraduate taking a class that uses SSCC resources. What is the SSCC? The SSCC provides servers, software, training, and consulting to support researchers (and future researchers) who do statistical analysis. If you didn’t attend an orientation session, feel free to email the SSCC Help Desk, tell us about yourself, and ask what we can do for you. What is SSCC News? SSCC News is one of our main ways of getting information to our members. It comes out about once every two months. Please look over the email when you get it and then read the articles that will affect you. If you’d rather not receive SSCC News, email and they can take care of that for you. If you’re no longer interested in SSCC News because you no longer use your SSCC account, they can close it for you. Most Project Directories Will Move to ResearchDrive Last month, the SSCC Chairs & Directors Committee voted to direct the SSCC …
SSCC News for August 2024
Farewell to Doug and Amanda! Doug Hemken will retire as an SSCC statistical consultant at the end of September, after a long career during which he enhanced the work of thousands of researchers. Amanda Todd has left SSCC this week to move closer to family. Many of you have had the experience of talking to Amanda at the Help Desk and just knowing your problem will be solved. We wish them both all the best. Doug’s departure leaves the SSCC with less expertise in SAS and a good bit less expertise in SPSS. (Russell Dimond is now the go-to person for both.) We’d love to teach the remaining SPSS users R or Stata. We’ll also have less capacity for training and statistical consulting in general. Amanda’s departure will leave just Ryan St. Peters to staff the Help Desk, so we’ve made some changes so he can do that and carry out his other duties. The Help Desk will be available by email, voice mail, and video chat or in-person appointment (i.e. not walk-in or phone) and the hours will be reduced to 9AM-12PM and 1PM-3PM. SSCC Training Next week the SSCC’s statistical consultants will teach our core R and Stata …
SSCC News June 2024
Welcome, New Members from the School of Education! The School of Education (SoE) has joined the SSCC for a one-year pilot membership, after which we’ll jointly evaluate a permanent membership. We’ve scheduled several orientation sessions in the coming month, mostly (but not exclusively) for new members from SoE–visit our training page for details and to register. There will be more offered in the fall. Send any questions you have to the SSCC Help Desk. We’re eager to help you get started using SSCC resources. Changes to Storage Limits at the SSCC Data storage has become a major expense for the SSCC. On average, it costs the SSCC $82 to store and back up 1TB of data for one year (compared to the $120/TB/year charge for ResearchDrive space beyond the 25TB given to every PI for free) but in FY 2024 alone we’ve spent roughly $130,000 on storage. We’re asking all of our members who use significant amounts of storage to make sure they’re using it as efficiently as possible. To encourage efficient use, we have implemented a new set of quotas for project directories and new tools to manage them. New project directories will start with a quota of 1TB …
SSCC News April 2024
SSCC Annual Account Renewal The SSCC’s annual account renewal process is underway. The Social Science Computing Cooperative carries out an annual account exercise to keep our account list up to date. If you received a renewal email, please follow the instructions to renew or close your account before June 1st. To renew your account, you should have received an email with a customized link that you will use to renew your account. Accounts that are part of the renewal process and are not renewed will be closed on June 1st. You Can Now Use ResearchDrive With SSCC Servers SSCC staff have created tools that allow SSCC researchers to access ResearchDrive from SSCC servers. That means you can write programs that process or analyze data on ResearchDrive and run them on Winstat, Linstat, or even the Slurm cluster. Using ResearchDrive has all the details. ResearchDrive makes 25TB of “free” data storage available to every PI at UW-Madison (i.e. it’s centrally funded, so we all pay for it whether you use it or not). Data storage has become one of the SSCC’s biggest expenses, so we encourage you to check out ResearchDrive and use it if it’s a good fit for your …
SSCC News January 2024
Open OnDemand Do you need the power of the SSCC’s Linux servers, but find a command line interface intimidating? Are you a veteran Linux user who still misses the convenience of a graphical user interface? Or do you just want to log into Linstat without having to install anything? Open OnDemand lets you log into the SSCC’s Linux servers using your web browser and gives you a graphical “desktop” interface similar to a Mac or Windows computer. Or you can start a terminal and use it just like you’ve used Linux for years, including submitting jobs to Slurm. Using Linux has never been so easy. To access OnDemand all you need is a browser–no need for special software like X-Win32 or XQuartz. Just get on the SSCC network using VPN (or log into Winstat), go to and log in using your SSCC credentials. The SSCC Knowledge base can walk you through how to log in to OnDemand and how to carry out common tasks using the OnDemand interface but it’s pretty intuitive. We also have training classes available that introduce you to OnDemand and how researchers can take advantage of the SSCC’s computing resources. Matlab Parallel Server The SSCC …
SSCC News December 2023
Introducing Open OnDemand We are happy to announce a pilot of Open OnDemand, a new way to access interactive Linux servers. OnDemand lets you run all the same programs as Linstat and submit jobs to Slurm, but with a graphical “desktop” interface similar to Winstat or a regular PC or Mac. You can also start a terminal program and then use the command line just like you’re used to. To access OnDemand all you need is a browser–no need for special software like X-Win32 or XQuartz. Just get on the SSCC network using VPN (or log into Winstat), go to and log in using your SSCC credentials. The SSCC Knowledge base can walk you through how to log in to OnDemand and how to carry out common tasks using the OnDemand interface. While this is a pilot, if all goes well we anticipate Open OnDemand becoming the primary way to use interactive Linux servers at the SSCC. Spring Training The SSCC’s spring training schedule is now available. The core Data Wrangling in R, Stata, or Python workshops will be taught in mid-January, between semesters, and online so you can take them even if you’re not back in Madison yet. Workshops are free, but …
SSCC News October 2023
Welcome to the SSCC We want to extend a warm welcome to all the new members of the Social Science Computing Cooperative, whether you’re a new faculty member, staff member, or graduate student who will use our resources for research, or an undergraduate taking a class that uses SSCC resources. What is the SSCC? The SSCC provides servers, software, training, and consulting to support researchers (and future researchers) who do statistical analysis. If you didn’t attend an orientation session, feel free to email the SSCC Help Desk, tell us about yourself, and ask what we can do for you. What is SSCC News? SSCC News is one of our main ways of getting information to our members. It comes out about once every two months. Please look over the email when you get it and then read the articles that will affect you. If you’d rather not receive SSCC News, email and they can take care of that for you. If you’re no longer interested in SSCC News because you no longer use your SSCC account, they can close it for you. October SSCC Training In October, SSCC’s training moves beyond the basics. R topics include data visualization and …
SSCC News for August 2023
SSCC Training The SSCC’s fall training schedule is now available. We’d like to particularly draw the attention of new graduate students to the “Introduction to…” and “Data Wrangling in…” workshops in Stata, R, and Python, as these workshops are designed for you! You should take an “Introduction to…” workshop if you: Will be taking a quantitative methods class that uses statistical software you haven’t used before Don’t feel like you really understand the statistical software you use Plan to take an SSCC “Data Wrangling in…” workshop (unless you’re very confident you don’t need it) You should take a “Data Wrangling in…” workshop if you plan to do quantitative research and you have never taken a class that spent a significant amount of time on preparing real-world data for analysis. For example, you should be able to do the following quickly and easily using reproducible code: Given a categorical “education” variable with a large number of very specific categories, combine them into a small number of broader categories Given a data set of individuals grouped into households, calculate the household incomes and create an indicator variable for “this household has children” Given a data set of individuals and a data set …